21st March 2024

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

The full GroupM UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 is available here.

Our median gender pay gap has increased to 22.1% (vs 17.9% in 2022). This rise is partly due to the loss of senior female executives in the upper quartile (mainly due to retirement or promotions within the Group) but also due to the balance of genders across the quartiles, with the lower three quartiles containing a higher percentage of females as opposed to males in these roles. We acknowledge, like others in the Group, that our bonus pay gap median has increased (vs 0.6%in 2022). The reason is that we were able to award a higher percentage of bonuses in 2023 vs 2022. For the period under review, we had proportionately more males in our higher-paid quartile 4 and proportionately more females in all other quartiles; this imbalance results in gaps at the median (middle-person) and mean average for both the gender pay gap and bonus gender pay gap. We acknowledge that our gap is likely to be a result of fewer women in senior higher paid roles. We are actively trying to increase our proportion of females in the fourth quartile to help us improve both our gender pay gap and our bonus pay gap. Until we have equal representation of women at the most senior levels, we know a gap will remain.

A snapshot of initiatives at Mindshare Media UK to help close the gap:

Accelerating Women:

Mindshare has focused our attention on promoting more females within our business, particularly at senior levels. We are proud to announce that over 60% of our promotions were awarded to women. We have been working hard to address the imbalance of men and women in quartile 4 and looked at the ways in which we could promote more top female talent within these key roles. Investing our talent in programmes such as ‘Walk the Talk’, which helps inspire and empower women to be their best, has contributed significantly to these successful promotions.

Learning and Development:

We are fully committed to Good Growth for our people and are continually investing in their learning and development. We have had our senior women attend programmes such as ‘Empower’ which is a female leadership programme that develops their skills and gives them the confidence to take charge of their careers. We have sent more junior females to other management training courses such as ‘Fuel’ and ‘Spark’ to ensure they are given excellent training to help them in the start of their career journey.

Holistic Support:

We have relaunched our ‘Back in the Game’ programme which offers support to those who are returning from extended leave periods including maternity leave or illness. These workshops give people the confidence to come back to work and make them feel empowered to achieve their personal goals. We have organised menopause coaches to help provide support, recommendations, and resources. We have made adjustments to the office to make it more accommodating such as offering fans and fruit teas. Our Womxn+ group have focused on the safety of our women in the office. They have made suggestions on safer routes home and also circulated our taxi policy to ensure everyone is aware and knows how to get home as safely as possible.

Mindshare UK
    Mindshare UK